Comics: ‘Leaving Home Planet’ by Hurricane Nancy

Making Changes comic strip by Hurricane Nancy

Hello, friends, Hurricane Nancy graces the site with another Making Changes comic strip. This one is entitled, “Leaving Home Planet.” Here are some notes from Nancy on this comic strip:

“Leaving the Planet is the old story, your parent kicks you out to go to college some such thing and on the planet of the Teddy bears there is public transportation to the college planet (and others not in this strip). So our teddy goes. There are sentient beings from other places.

The teddy also hooks up with a gal from another planet at college and heads back  to teddy planet with her and their kid. By public interstellar transportation.”

Be sure to visit Hurricane Nancy at her website right here.


Filed under Comics, Hurricane Nancy

6 responses to “Comics: ‘Leaving Home Planet’ by Hurricane Nancy

  1. Vicki Gailzaid

    I love your leaving home planet! I love the Teddy plus the story that goes along with it!!!

  2. Excellent teddy and beautiful story! 🙂💓👍

  3. Henry, I wish you great success in the New Year! What you’ve done with this blog is so cool. Thank you for all you’ve done along with Hurricane Nancy and Paul Buhle! I keep a low profile but I have kept up with your work for a long time and I am rooting for you!

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