Interview: Sarah Nesbitt and ‘Drawn on the Way’

I have always drawn and I’ve studied drawing in as many ways possible, all the way to university and lifelong learning. And what I’ve come away with is that drawing is a limitless source that just keeps on giving. Those of us who enjoy drawing understand each other. And one thing we all share in common is a dual nature of observer and participant. We’re the ones who like to linger while also able to  quickly size up a situation. We take a lot notes, all sorts of notes. We want to share our findings. Sarah Nisbett is one of us and she’s collected a bunch of her field notes on drawing on the spot into, Drawn on the Way: A Guide to Capturing the Moment Through Live Sketching, published by The Quarto Group. If you like to draw, or want to learn how to draw, then this book is for you.

Balancing your composition.

In this interview, Sarah and I chat about her book, particularly various aspects to drawing: composition, mood, as well as some of the tools of the trade. Truth be told, Sarah’s book is a lot of fun, highly accessible, and definitely a useful guide. It’s one of those books that invites a casual exploration and rewards you with one nugget after another of insight.

Hope you enjoy our conversation and be sure to keep up with Sarah at her site.


Filed under Art, Drawing, Interviews

3 responses to “Interview: Sarah Nesbitt and ‘Drawn on the Way’

  1. Because I don’t speak the language (I use the translator), I was able to enjoy the interview and it suggests that it is a very interesting book by Sarah. The drawings look great and I imagine the book is going in the same direction. You have a very interesting blog.

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