Hurricane Nancy: Animals and Free Speech

How is your year shaping up?

A new year is off and running with its inevitable highs and lows. “Here’s to life being good, despite it all!” answers artist Hurricane Nancy. Add to that a couple of new works to consider this time around, with accompanying commentary by the artist . . .

#439: I am an animal lover.

“My cat Sweetheart was adopted when he was young and feral. If I disrespect him, he will bite me. ‘Yikes,’ my friends say, ‘get a nice docile indoor cat.’ But I have come to see from him that animals, and even people, will bite if they are mistreated.”

#440: Penalty for speaking freely.

“Free and open speech to help us get an honest look at living ideas won’t hurt anything, even if some idiots believe that it does!”


Filed under Art, Comics, Hurricane Nancy

9 responses to “Hurricane Nancy: Animals and Free Speech

  1. Carlos

    a good message via art about animals and people.
    Keep creating Ms. Nancy

  2. Americaoncoffee

    A scratch would be worse.

  3. Free and open speech.
    What has happened to it? It’s mutated into something unrecognizable, conditional, one-sided… it’s very frustrating and heading toward scary.
    Oh, but the good news: I was able to like this post! Out of nowhere, it worked suddenly! lol

    • You know, someone who gives me hope is Rep. Victoria Spartz, a Republican from Indiana. We need to have a two-party system (maybe more) and she comes across as an honest and level-headed person. She’s a Republican who won’t go along with any of the dirty tricks. Anyway, that’s what I’ve noticed. Hooray for that Like button working too!

  4. Pingback: Hurricane Nancy: Animals and Free Speech – rosdahal

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