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It is my honor to call David Lasky my friend. I’ve known him for many years as a wonderfully supportive fellow artist. While he wasn’t at Comic-Con this year, the book he, and Frank M. Young, have been working on for many years graces the cover of the Abrams ComicArts brochure for 2012 featuring an amazing line-up of titles and including new arrivals. What you see on the cover is pure David Lasky art. It is his own distinctive style that he has worked so very hard to cultivate. Mr. Lasky’s art is a force to be reckoned with! “The Carter Family: Don’t Forget This Song” chronicling the first major country music group, comes out in October, 2012. It is a 192 page hardback with a CD of Carter Family songs! Funded in part by a Kickstarter campaign, this is must-have for anyone who loves comics, art, history and music.

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