
Photo by Zachariah Bryan, Ballard News-Tribune

Henry Chamberlain is an American blogger, writer and artist known for his writing on comics and his own work in comics. Henry goes back to the Seattle comics scene in the ‘90s. He has curated numerous art shows and provided the first art show for a number of Seattle artists. As a freelance illustrator and writer, his work has appeared in various venues including Poopsheet Foundation, Comic Book Bin, Newsarama, Rivet, Geekweek, and Comic Book Artist. Henry has many years of experience covering art, fiction, pop culture, and particuarly the comics medium. Find a lot of his writing on comics and various other themes right here at ComicsGrinder.com.

Alice in New York is a graphic novel that Henry first embarked upon around 2005. It is a fanicful coming-of-age tale that incorporates whimsy and touches of the supernatural.

George’s Run is a much more recent project. In many ways, it can be seen as something of a sequel to Alice in New York or, at least, a wonderful companion piece. With this new story, Henry is older and wiser and is now searching for the finer qualities of truth and meaning.

Henry Chamberlain is a longtime cartoonist from the Seattle scene. He has created numerous works in comics and regularly writes about the comics medium. Coming from the Generation X ethos of DIY, he took his passions for writing and art and fused them into creating comics. This led to various mini-comic projects. A Night at the Sorrento and Other Stories is a 244-page collection of short stories and one full-length story, Alice in New York, and is available thru Amazon.

The graphic novel, Alice in New York, is dear to Henry’s heart. It was his first full length graphic novel. It appeared in installments as a series and was sold primarily at comics conventions and festivals. It received a lot of good healthy praise by comics reviewers. It was a wonderful experience.

Alice in New York, as part of the collection, A Night at the Sorrento and Other Stories is available at Amazon. This includes an assortment of short works that explore various quirky journeys. You can find A Night at the Sorrento and Other Stories, by going right here.

Henry Chamberlain looks forward to continuing to provide compelling content coming from various directions: continued work in comics journalism as well as various other writing; and continued work in comics and illustration and various other media. The overall goal, of course, is to continue to grow as a person and as an artist.

As always, your input is most welcome. You can reach Henry Chamberlain by simply filling out the Contact Form or send email directly to comicsgrinder at gmail.com or henry at comicsgrinder.com. Comics Grinder is a quirky and eclectic spot in the blogosphere and it will continue to shine bright with your support.

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