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Seattle and Emerald City Comicon Celebrate First 10 Years

It is the 10th Anniversary of Emerald City Comicon in Seattle. It’s been quite an evolution from its humble beginnings. Since moving to the Washington State Convention Center, it has grown in scope and stature and continues to evolve. Seattle, as a city, officially and casually, needs to be more hip to comics. Don’t get me wrong. Those who know comics in Seattle are whipsmart and there are plenty of them. But, as for the general public, this is not San Diego by a longshot. Hey, even in San Diego, there’ still a a fair amount of locals who are clueless to the particulars but, for the most part, they get it. In Seattle, it would seem that Comicon has yet to be fully embraced like it should. That will come. A decade is still pretty young for this type of an event. If it’s not a microbrew or a latte, the locals are very hard to get through to. As progressive and aware as they’d like to think they are, comics remain a bit of mystery. But not so much for all the software geeks! So, there is hope, much hope. So, if you’re in Seattle, and you’re wondering what that big event, maybe about Star Wars or Harry Potter is about, look into it. You may be glad you did. For more information, go to Emerald City Comicon.

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