Captain Excellent vs. The Green Lantern

Would you imagine that the typical moviegoer to, THE GREEN LANTERN, the industrial strength superhero movie starring Ryan Reynolds, would also go see the witty drama, PAPER MAN, which includes Ryan Reynolds as a superhero of a different sort: an imaginary friend to a man struggling with a midlife crisis? The shocking answer to that might be, YES! Well, I think it’s that good. It’s not like we’re asking the typical beer drinking football fan to try a glass of wine and go to the opera. Hey, it’s a movie. It happens to be an indie movie covered in quality acting and something we all can relate to: the search for meaning in our lives.

It has come and gone from the theaters but it’s ready for you to view at home. Whether you’re a fan of comics on not, you’ll get a hoot out of Ryan Reynolds decked out as one very campy superhero in brightly colored tights and a platinum blond do. But do stay for the story. Jeff Daniels gives a very satisfying performance as a man trapped in his inability to move forward. “I can’t do anything with my hands!” he complains to his wife, Lisa Kudrow, who is losing patience with him. In his desperation, he turns to Emma Stone, a local teen. But it’s not unseemly. He seeks to be the father he never was. Well, this is definitely not an action movie so maybe it would be a hard sell to someone who just came in to see superhero movie. I’m just saying, it’s a good movie.

Watch the trailer, buy the DVD or Blu-ray, at the official PAPER MAN site!

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Filed under Green Lantern, Ryan Reynolds

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