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Stumptown Comics Fest 2013: ROBIN HA

Robin Ha and Ellen Lindner are two very distinct cartoonists who happen to have a lot in common. For one thing, they are neighbors, as their art studios are next door to each other. They also share a certain cosmopolitan sensibility. This led Robin to contribute to the anthology that Ellen co-edits, THE STRUMPET.

We talk about THE STRUMPET and Robin’s work in general. You can view a sample of Robin’s work, as well as Ellen’s, from THE STRUMPET, in the previous post.

Robin Ha’s work has a delicate ethereal quality balanced by a wry and worldly vibe. Her latest project is a webcomic about a haunted vintage dress, THE RED DRESS. You can keep up with it HERE.

And you can keep up with Robin’s work HERE.

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