Category Archives: Cable

FCC.GOV/COMMENTS: Today Last Day to Tell Cable Companies Where To Go

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Net Neutrality, (HBO)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Net Neutrality, (HBO)

There they are, all your telecom friends: Time Warner Cable, Comcast, AT&T, Cox, and Verizon. If you leave it to them, they will get their internet fast lane, they will keep little start-up companies on a slow lane, and they will charge you if you want a faster internet connection from the slower one they have created for you. Care to comment?? Today is the last day for public comment as the FCC decides the next step toward the end of the internet as we know it. Leave your comment now at

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Filed under Cable, Corporate, Corporations, Internet, Net Neutrality

Comic-Con 2014: Craig Ferguson and ‘Game Of Thrones’


We’ll have to wait until next year for Conan O’Brien at Comic-Con. But Craig Ferguson has got Comic-Con covered for 2014 in a most appropriate role. The Scottish-born late night host is set to moderate HBO’s Game of Thrones panel Friday at Comic-Con.

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Filed under Cable, Comic-Con, Comic-Con 2014, Game Of Thrones, HBO, Television