Alyson Chadwick | Comedy | Paul Rusesabagina | Activism

Paul Rusesabagina

Alyson Chadwick is a standup comic and an activist. That keeps her busy balancing the funny and the serious. In this talk, we cover it all, including Paul Ryan and even Matt Gaetz! On the serious side, be sure to look up Paul Rusesabagina and his being kidnapped by the Rawandan government. You may know Paul from his story turned into the film, HOTEL RAWANDA. Paul did his part in opposition to the genocide of the Tutsi by Rawanda in 1994. Last year, Paul was kidnapped by Rawanda’s Kagame regime and is awaiting trial on false charges.

You can do your part to help bring about his release. Visit Alyson’s website as well as the No Business with Genocide website:

Hello! Who is Alyson Chadwick?


Filed under Comedy, Interviews, Paul Rusesabagina, Rawanda

2 responses to “Alyson Chadwick | Comedy | Paul Rusesabagina | Activism

  1. I’ll read up more on this. I hadn’t heard of Paul Rusesabagina.

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