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Zack Quaintance’s Death of Comics Bookcase Kickstarter

A page from Death of Comics Bookcase.

Comics Bookcase was a blog, in a similar spirit to Comics Grinder, and then it left the scene. But now it’s back, at least, in the form of a comic book. I find it very inspiring and leads me to think that perhaps Comics Grinder needs its own comic book. Ah, but there is! More on that later. What’s important now is what Zack Quaintance is up to with his 48-page Death of Comics Bookcase comic book. It’s impressive. I can’t wait to check it out. But, first, we all can support the Kickstarter campaign, thru May 1st, and secure that this project becomes a reality. There’s a significant amount of overlap between what Zack does and what I do that I can’t help but sincerely wish Death of Comics Bookcase great success. For more details, an excerpt from the press release follows:

In 2018, a comics blog appeared…Comics Bookcase. And everyone loved it. But what did we truly know about THE Comics Bookcase? Precious little.

Now, Comics Bookcase is being unmasked…moments before its death. As it departs, however, it has stories, comics stories, 48 pages of them, all written by Comics Bookcase‘s former editor, Zack Quaintance. So, get ready to watch the beloved comics blog die…publicly…for your entertainment!

To carry out this demise, we have assembled a fantastic lineup of artists:

The book also features three cover artists: THE John McCrea with colors by Mike Spicer; Raul Allen; and Nick Cagnetti; plus, logo and design by John J. Hill. 

Zack Quaintance is a journalist, short story writer, and comic book creator. He’s written about comics for NPR, The Beat, and, of course, Comics Bookcase. His short fiction prose has been published in several literary journals, including Tin House, Pithead Chapel, and The Stockholm Review.

Support the Death of Comics Bookcase Kickstarter right here.

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