Tag Archives: Bob Kane

The Truth About Batman: THE CAPE CREATOR

Batman Before Bill Finger

Batman Before Bill Finger

Batman After Bill Finger

Batman After Bill Finger

Batman fans know Bob Kane as the character’s creator. But do they know Bill Finger, Batman’s co-creator? You can decide how much credit Mr. Finger deserves. As this documentary lays it out, it should be a hell of a lot of credit. Here’s your chance to secure the making of the documentary, “The Cape Creator,” during its Kickstarter campaign, that ends March 5, and which you can visit here.

Before Kane ever signed his first Batman contract, Finger had already transformed the character thoroughly from Kane’s original design. “Without Finger,” says Dr. Travis Langley, author of the book Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight, “Batman could been a blond guy in red tights with big DaVinci wings and no cowl, no gauntlets, whose early rogue’s gallery consisted entirely of Two-Face. That’s it.”


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Filed under Batman, Comics, DC Comics, Kickstarter