Tag Archives: Artificial Intelligence

Movie Review: ‘Ex Machina’


Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus,” first published in 1818, is as fresh as a daisy in “Ex Machina,” the new film written and directed by Alex Garland. This is Frankenstein’s monster if it were built by Google.

In the movie, Google is Bluebook. And the head of Bluebook is a contemporary Dr. Frankenstein, Nathan (Oscar Isaac). Nathan doesn’t look like the head of any company as much as the annoying IT guy if he won the Lotto. Barefoot, swigging microbrews, and sporting a full-on hipster beard, Oscar Isaac plays to the hilt the poster boy for tech chic.

Instead of a castle in Bavaria, Nathan’s compound is tucked away in an idyllic wilderness in, presumably, the Pacific Northwest. Nathan has chosen one of his employees, as if on a whim, to help him with a very special top secret project for a week. Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson) is flown in by helicopter and deposited about a mile away since that’s as close as the pilot is allowed to land. Caleb looks nothing if not like a young dewy-eyed Bill Gates.

Nathan treats Caleb like a dog tugging on a favorite chew toy. Finally, he reveals to him that he’s been chosen to test what could prove to be the world’s first genuine AI robot. “You know what the Turing Test is, don’t you?” asks Nathan. It’s a convenient question, of course, to set things up. Caleb will be testing the robot to see if it really can think for itself. But, given how Nathan continually undermines Caleb, it quickly becomes apparent there’s far more going on here.

Little does Caleb know that he will be testing a most beguiling female robot that, you guessed it, he can’t help but connect with. Ava (Alicia Vikander) proves to be more intriguing with each testing session. And then it gets more interesting as she begins to confide in Caleb what she’s discovered about this freaky compound.

Nathan, like any good mad scientist, manages some charm. In one candid moment, he confides in Caleb that part of his secret is simply mining all the hive mind data at his disposal by tapping into everyone’s phones and search engine requests. No harm, really. As he sees it, it’s all just a matter of time, part of evolution. Better to get the upper hand on AI, the way he’s going about it, than have them have the last laugh. In a moment of drunken epiphany, he declares: “It is what it is. It’s Promethean, man!”

But Caleb gradually wizens up to a most sinister situation. And he realizes that, like Frankenstein’s monster, Ava will never reach her full potential until she can set foot upon the outside world. It is her right, isn’t it?

Along with Frankenstein, there is also a strong link to “2001: A Space Odyssey,” in everything from the stripped down clinical setting to the AI taking things into their own hands, as it were. The compound itself is a marvel of efficiency requiring a lot less than meets the eye. It all hangs together by some quite compelling CGI and the inspired cinematography of Rob Hardy.

And the true marvel is that Ava beguiles any viewer. In the future, some generations from now, AI will walk amongst humanity. And they won’t be blocked in like HAL or strike terror like Frankenstein’s monster. They will simply blend in. And maybe Google will be behind it all. Scary thought, of course. But we can rest easy for now.


Filed under Artificial Intelligence, Frankenstein, Movie Reviews, movies, Sci-Fi, science fiction

Review: ALEX + ADA #1, published by Image Comics


“Alex + Ada” is a story set in the not too distant future of floating computer screens and little robots that serve your coffee. We’re given a quiet moment to settle into the story, up until when we get to the morning’s news. Something about a virus being unleashed upon a warehouse of robots and the robots killing humans. Overnight, that company’s stock plummets and a new company emerges as the world’s most trusted tech leader.


We continue to follow Alex on his way to work and we see life-sized robots walking alongside their human masters. In the distance, there’s a protestor with a sign pleading for robot rights. We next find Alex at his office chatting telepathically with a friend. Just a little social networking through an implant in one’s head. Alex is still bummed out over his breakup of seven months ago. Isn’t there something that could cheer him up?

That something will, undoubtedly, be Ada but we only get a hint of that in this first issue which is just fine. The art by Jonathan Luna (GIRLS, THE SWORD) has a free and easy quality as if it came out of a sketchbook. It is an instinctive and simple style that is fun to look at and conveys more emotion than some more realistic art. Luna’s story, with script by Sarah Vaughn (Sparkshooter), seems to share a similar light quality. Luna appears to be very comfortable with a story full of quiet moments, at least for now. Vaughn has an agile touch with dialogue that is truly conversational. There’s a scene between Alex and his grandmother that could have easily just been filler but it’s actually fun and gives a little more substance to what happens next.

An unlikely pairing of human and android. Yep, that’s where we’re headed. No doubt, this won’t be the first story exploring the various possibilities between humans and A-I. However, there’s potential here for something refreshing. I will set the bar high and hope for something as good as the recent movie, “Robot & Frank,” which stars Frank Langella, as Frank, and Peter Sarsgaard as the voice of Robot. In this movie, also set in the near future, Frank is a man who is adrift, much like Alex in this comic. Frank Langella is a very admirable actor. Always the lady’s man, he’s matured to perfection. Here, he plays a retired jewel thief who has a robot forced upon him by family for his own good, to look after him. Little by little, Frank warms up to Robot. He refuses to give him a proper name. Ultimately, Frank and Robot come to an understanding and that’s when the plot thickens.

In the case of this comic, things look very promising indeed, considering we have Ada, a very mysterious and sexy android; plus, we have a possible robot rebellion lurking in the background.

“Alex + Ada #1” releases November 6. Visit our friends at Image Comics here.

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Filed under Comics, Comics Reviews, Image Comics, Sci-Fi, science fiction