Tag Archives: Morgan Spurlock

DVD Review: ‘Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead’


FAT, SICK, AND NEARLY DEAD, a documentary about what happens when a rich guy discovers he’s gone to the buffet way too often and put his life at risk, came out in 2010 and I totally missed it. In 2010, I also missed PASSION PLAY, starring Bill Murray and Megan Fox so, of the two, I’d be more inclined to catch up on that one. But there was something about this documentary that seemed like an offbeat take on Morgan Spurlock’s SUPER SIZE ME that I couldn’t resist. This is a person who has the means to indulge in a quest. The question is whether or not you should come along.
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Filed under Documentaries, Filmmaking, Food, Health

Taking The Starbucks Challenge

Starbucks 2013

There’s someone who is about to try to pull a Morgan Spurlock. Instead of only eating at McDonald’s, like in Spurlock’s “Super-Size Me,” this blogger is planning on only eating at Starbucks. She has set up this challenge for herself which she says is about getting more in touch with being a consumer in Western society.

So what’s left for all the rest of us bloggers? I could pledge to only eat food I buy at a supermarket. That might work since I do that quite a lot. But I also enjoy variety and I like to explore. So, I end up at various restaurants and diners and the like. I’d have to think about it.

Still, I sort of like the challenge. The blogger’s name is Beautiful Existence. Yes, that’s her real name, I just checked on her blog. And this is her blog. It will be fun to follow her exploits.


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