Tag Archives: Hugh Howey

A Writer’s Odyssey: Hugh Howey in Seattle

Jennifer Daydreamer and Hugh Howey

Jennifer Daydreamer and Hugh Howey

It’s good and natural to have well known writers spend some time with total strangers. It’s all about context. The writer, whether a giant in a niche market or an all-around best-selling star, knows that life is a bit absurd, fame is fickle, and that the vast majority of people have no idea who he or she is. That stranger, and that stranger over there, and that one too, all gather at a meetup, and at least they know something about the writer. Most likely they’ve read some of his work. Most likely they aspire to be writers themselves. Ah, much common ground to work from. And so that’s what I got to partake in for a little a while, a special moment. Hugh Howey was in town. He had delivered a lecture at Amazon earlier in the day. That night, a meetup was organized at Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery, which made for an excellent venue. It was a big group that became a smaller intimate group of new friends gathered to share a few ideas with a great writer.

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This campaign is on fire! There’s been a flurry of activity and things just keep heating up!

Within only a small span of time, I have ten new backers to welcome. Everyone who has backed the project will, of course, get a special mention in the book.

And, earlier today, I got a ReTweet from author Hugh Howey! I cherish those ReTweets even if some people might think they don’t actually bring about interest in pledging to a Kickstarter project. You just never know.

Nope, it wasn’t a ReTweet that inspired my recent support. It was just me and my project. Which is how it should be, right? Absolutely! However, ReTweets are still nice. You gotta love ’em. A Kickstarter campaign is made up of many, many components so you’re best to go with the flow, make your own opportunities, and be very grateful. Always be grateful!

Perhaps a ReTweet from Hugh Howey will lead to more people considering my project. You can’t beat that, right? Well, sure, I keep it perspective, no doubt. As they say, those who have ridden the mighty Kickstarter wave, it’s all about the project. At the end of the day, people are interested in whatever the project is, whether film, book, what have you. Ah, but the campaign is just as much about connecting with your prospective backers and getting them to consider your project in the first place. It’s truly fascinating. If Hugh Howey chooses to lend a hand, yes, I’m very grateful.

That said, I welcome you to consider my project, a quirky collection of comics in the spirit of the original television series, “The Twilight Zone,” to put it in a nutshell description. Check it out HERE.

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Filed under Alice in New York, Art, Books, Comics, Crowdfunding, Hugh Howey, Kickstarter, Marketing, Media, Publishing, Social Media, Twitter